
Enneagram 5w6

Enneagram 5w6s are very intuitive people, with the ability of reading others to remain always an action ahead. They are rational and logical; and love to think about new ways do things. And they get it done well too. Each goes all in in regards to decision-making. Which doesn't mean they take risks. They will actually thoroughly analyze the scenario and take every possibility into account before taking any steps. Jumping into the void it's not their style. Both types with this mix are both members of the Head Triad. So, they take things seriously and tend to overthink them. They're spontaneous when facing real-life challenges, but they don't leave loose ends. They connect the dots and seek truth. One of the very distinctive areas of this subtype is they are usually quite smart and clever, and use their intelligence to safeguard themselves and detect possible threats. This permanent alarm state makes them very reactive though and sometimes somewhat defensive too. Despite
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